
Gradle tomcat相关脚本


// deploy to local tomcat server

// All extra properties must be defined through the "ext" namespace.
ext.tomcatHome = System.getenv()["CATALINA_HOME"]
ext.tomcatBin = tomcatHome + '/bin'
ext.tomcatStart = tomcatBin + '/startup'
ext.tomcatStop = tomcatBin + '/shutdown'
ext.tomcatWebapps = tomcatHome + '/webapps'

ant.condition(property: "os", value: "windows") { os(family: "windows") }
ant.condition(property: "os", value: "unix"   ) { os(family: "unix")    }

task checkTomcat << {
    if (tomcatHome == null)
        throw new RuntimeException("Could not get TOMCAT home, please set CATALINA_HOME env virable first!")
        case 'windows':
            println 'Running on windows.'
            tomcatStart += '.bat'
            tomcatStop += '.bat'
        case 'unix':
            println 'Running on unix.'
            tomcatStart += '.sh'
            tomcatStop += '.sh'
    println "Using CATALINA_HOME: ${tomcatHome}"
    println "Using Tomcat start cmd: ${tomcatStart}"
    println "Using Tomcat stop cmd: ${tomcatStop}"

task deployLocal << {
    println "copy war from ${buildDir}/libs into ${tomcatWebapps}"
        from "${buildDir}/libs"
        into "${tomcatWebapps}"
        include '*.war'
    //println "start tomcat !"

deployLocal.dependsOn checkTomcat

task startTomcat << {
    exec {
        executable tomcatStart
    println 'Start Tomcat server.'
    //store the output instead of printing to the console:
    standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()

    //extension method stopTomcat.output() can be used to obtain the output:
    ext.output = {
        return standardOutput.toString()
    println 'Done.'

startTomcat.dependsOn checkTomcat

task stopTomcat << {
    exec {
        executable tomcatStop
    println 'Shutting down Tomcat server.'

    //store the output instead of printing to the console:
    standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
    //extension method stopTomcat.output() can be used to obtain the output:
    ext.output = {
        return standardOutput.toString()
    println 'Done.'

stopTomcat.dependsOn checkTomcat